Truthmaker Semantics

Truthmaker semantics is a new and exciting approach to semantics, with applications in logic, philosophy, and linguistics.

Contemporary philosophical semantics is riddled with anomalies, that is: logical and semantic phenomena that the prevailing possible-worlds account struggles to explain. The anomalies in question arise when two equivalent propositions behave in logically dissimilar ways. This happens, for example, when we're giving metaphysical explanations (Fine 2012a), when we're reasoning about counterfactual situations (Fine 2012b), or when we're giving certain kinds of permissions (Fine 2014). This phenomenon is known in the literature as «hyperintensionality». It presents a deep problem for the possible-worlds paradigm, which treats equivalent propositions as interchangeable.

Truthmaker semantics solves the logical and semantic problems arising from hyperintensionality by analyzing truth in a more careful and nuanced way than possible-worlds semantics. Rather than just looking at the collection of worlds where a given proposition is true, truthmaker semantics asks why the proposition is true in those worlds. This results in a rich and fruitful semantic framework, which has found many applications in logic, philosophy, and linguistics (Fine 2016).

This website is intended as a hub for researchers of all colors that want to learn more about truthmaker semantics. It's not much yet, but it is under active development. Please contact the maintainers if you'd like to contribute or know more.